Tag Archives: Customer Service

How Banks Can Improve Customized Customer Service

A finance executive with 20 years of experience, Griffin McGahey is the CEO of the Birmingham, AL companies, Pay.claims, and High Cotton. As the leader of companies operating digital payments platforms, Griffin McGahey is interested in how financial institutions can form genuine relationships with customers by creating tailoring experiences for each individual.

Community banks, serving specific cities or regions within a state, possess unique challenges when communicating with customers. To send federally-mandated communications and market new products, they must choose appropriate channels and a consistent brand voice. At the same time, they cannot inundate customers with emails or paper mail because customers will ignore the information.

Banks can utilize customer data to balance these competing priorities and train their branch employees to possess more in-depth information on salient product offers. Banks can tailor the financial literacy information it sends to a customer based on age, income, and more to increase customers’ likelihood of acting on what they learn.

To retain consistency, train branch employees to respond to customer questions deriving from their specific communications rather than general questions alone. This way, customers receive assistance tailored to their specific needs and demographic niche.