Regional Banks Should Set up Uniform Customer Communications

With an MBA from Vanderbilt University, Griffin McGahey is the CEO of HC3, an innovative data management and marketing communications firm. From his office in Birmingham, AL, Griffin McGahey regularly works with clients to enhance customer communications.

Customers today prefer to have access to their bank using multiple channels. However, many banks have an inconsistent voice across their channels. A bank can market a new offering in their standard communications, such as mail and text, but fail to update this on their website. Even worse, one channel can have an outdated product that is not aligned with a recent offering. Unifying these creates a seamless experience for customers, strengthening their trust in the bank and enhancing their brand loyalty.

This is true even with offline communication. Banks have to ensure that frontline staff is well aware of the bank’s latest products and promotional campaigns. When a customer asks about these at a branch, the frontline staff member should give him or her helpful information regarding the service, its terms and requirements. Even a simple inquiry by a teller to a customer about their interest in a new product may open up an opportunity to cross-sell or upsell the customer.