Simple Home Renovation Ideas to Increase a Home’s Aesthetic

Birmingham, AL, executive Griffin McGahey serves as president of tech company HC3, ensuring the CEO’s goals and vision are achieved. In 2019, he was named as a finalist in the 51-100 employees category of the Birmingham Business Journals’ CEO Awards. Among his pursuits outside of work, Griffin McGahey is interested in home renovation.

Home renovations cost money. No matter the reason for the renovation, people looking to renovate their home on a budget might consider the following ideas.

1. Use paint. A coat of paint can freshen up the home’s interior and exterior. Adding an accent wall with a bright color, especially in the bathroom, can make it appear more spacious.

2. Refinish. Consider refinishing some items rather than replacing them. For instance, instead of replacing an old bathtub in the bathroom, the homeowner may refinish it by repainting. Another idea is to turn the bathtub into a walk-in shower.

3. Upgrade cabinets. If there are old cabinets in the house, the homeowner can use wallpaper or paint, on the doors to give them a new look. Removing the doors can also add a twist to the design as can adding corbels below the cabinets.

4. Redo an old sofa. Updating an old vintage sofa bed or couch with new upholstery fabric may give it a new look and change the home interior.