President of Document Outsourcing Firm Finalist in BBJ 2019 CEO Awards

A resident of Birmingham, AL, Griffin McGahey is the president of HC3, an innovative document design and marketing company that was founded by his father Thomas McGahey. Tasked with leading the company into the digital age, Griffin McGahey has steered it through a comprehensive rebranding and reorganization, earning recognition from the Birmingham Business Journal (BBJ) as a finalist in its 2019 CEO Awards.

BBJ’s CEO Awards honor business leaders who have left an indelible mark in the Magic City community by how they inspire people, run their companies with integrity, and produce quality products and services. These leaders have also helped their companies achieve growth and success.

Nominations for the BBJ awards are submitted by people who wish to recognize top executives running small, medium, and large companies, as well as nonprofits. These nominations are supported by a list of the leader’s accomplishments, financial statements showing their companies’ strong performances, and letters of recommendation. Executives who are named finalists are those who have satisfied BBJ’s awards team that their leadership has played a key role in guiding their companies to achieve tangible results.

High Cotton Evolves, Rebrands to HC3

Griffin McGahey is the President of HC3, a Birmingham, AL-based company founded by his father Thomas McGahey. Previously the company’s vice president, Griffin McGahey was promoted to president in September 2019 ahead of the company’s rebranding from High Cotton to HC3.

HC3’s rebranding marks a new beginning for the firm as it evolves into a data-driven customer communications provider serving companies in the financial services industry. The company that started out providing direct mail book fulfillment grew to incorporate print and marketing communications and now has evolved even further into a data-driven provider offering financial communication services.

Services it now offers financial services firms include statement and notice redesign, print and digital communications, and marketing campaign support materials. Through these offerings, HC3 will empower its corporate clients to give customers customizable document experiences. It will leverage the power of unique document design to boost clients’ brands, enabling meaningful communication with their customers.

HC3 will continue to offer its existing clients the same quality service they have come to expect. New clients, on the other hand, will appreciate its incorporation of complex data management tools allowing a tighter focus on the customer.

HC3 Working with VGS to Reach Zero Sensitive Data Storage

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Photo by panumas nikhomkhai on

Duke University alumnus Griffin McGahey is a Birmingham, AL resident with an MBA from Vanderbilt University. Griffin McGahey is the president of HC3, a leading document outsourcing company.

In the course of delivering services to financial and health services companies, HC3 handles significant amounts of customer data. Some of this data is personally identifiable information (PII) like social security numbers and credit and debit card numbers. Storing and handling such sensitive data introduces the risk of criminal cyber activity. In order to protect consumers’ information and reduce the liability risks associated with handling such data, HC3 adopted VGS’ zero data goal.

Companies striving to attain VGS’ zero data goal are focused on reducing the sensitive data they handle and store. Through VGS’ digital platform, which filters information coming into the company, intercepts PII, and replaces it with aliases that can be stored and used in the same way as the original, companies like HC3 offload liability risks while reducing the risk of data breaches. When consumer data is kept private and safe, fraud is prevented.

The Rise of Birmingham as a New Hot Spot in Tech

  HC3, a data-driven communications design company, has been in Birmingham, AL, since 2001 when it was called High Cotton. The VP of the company, Griffin McGahey, along with CEO Thomas McGahey, saw an opportunity in Birmingham from the start. Today, their faith in the region seems to be paying off, as the company sits squarely in a burgeoning tech hub. Griffin McGahey is looking forward to leveraging Birmingham’s growth in the interests of the business.

MarketWatch ranked Birmingham, Alabama, second on a list of places emerging as America’s new tech hot spots. The city has seen the launch of several successful startups in recent years and been acknowledged as a good place for tech ventures to thrive. The growth has been attributed in part to several business incubators present in the city. One such group is Innovation Depot, a firm that works to connect startups with investors and mentors and helps guide their success. Birmingham shares this spot with Huntsville, another city in Alabama experiencing a similar tech boom. Tech companies that are already established in the area, such as HC3, will likely have access to broader markets in the future.